Today I switched to Quadlet to start Linux containers

This post is written simply for myself to mark the date when I fully decided to ditch Ansible’s containers.podman.podman_containers, and Podman’s nasty port of docker-compose, in favour of Quadlet. Hopefully this page can serve as a useful reference for others considering the same move. Problems with containers.podman.podman_containers Ansible is great, but it’s a pain if you ssh on to a server, to find a container is down. You then have to jump on to another server to run the playbook to start the container.

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Prometheus: My Life in a Time Series Database

I aggressively use Prometheus in my day-to-day life, not just for regular technical and application metrics, but for everything I can get an exporter for. I have a Prometheus exporter for my Gmail inbox (personal and work), for my Google calendar (mostly work), all my websites I’ve written export prometheus metrics, I monitor my servers CPU and Memory usage with Prometheus metrics, but also their Hard Drive SMART status. I even have a Prometheus exporter for my fledgling weight loss program.

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