Live reload Go with air

It can be a real effort to bring yourself to write articles to maintain a healthy blog, and sometimes the simple articles are best. Therefore, I just want to take a quick few moments to talk about a tool that I just cannot live without now-a-days, when writing Go code, I am always live-reloading with Air in the background. It’s really valuable for developers to be able to get fast feedback on the code that they are writing.

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Use a httputil reverse proxy to host grpc, rest and HTML on a single port

This helps you use Go to power the next generation of APIs+PWAs. Prerequisites; This article assumes you know what protobuf and gRPC are, and have set up the grpc-gateway for REST already for your app. The context gRPC has become the default standard for modern Cloud Native RPC in Go. And gRPC is fine for backend service-to-service communication that can speak gRPC. To support older services, and the web, REST still reigns supreme.

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About James Read

Picture of James Read James is a "full stack" Open Source enthusiast, who enjoys creating no-nonsense open source software.

Dad, hobbyist developer, open-source enthusiast and Red Hatter.