GitHub may replace DockerHub

It’s been interesting to witness the meteoric rise of “Docker” over the years, and it is undoubted that the technology that was pioneered and popularized by Docker (more correctly called “Linux Containers”), is here to stay for the long run. The rise of the technology was partially due to the ease of publishing containers, enabled by free DockerHub service. However, in this article, I propose that DockerHub as a single repository of container images is becoming less and less important than it once was, and in it’s place, GitHub is a strong contender to take over as the 1 repository for containers — as it has its sights on being everything a developer needs.

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You can't do GitOps until you `git add`

This article explains how I solved a couple of challenges of getting my initial environment and configs into Git — the first steps to GitOps. I’ve been wanting to embrace GitOps for quite some time, but it’s always tricky to know where to start. Do I use Jenkins Jobs — I know Jenkins well? It’s a bit old school though, maybe I should be using Ansible Tower. I’ve heard things about ArgoCD, and lots of others.

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About James Read

Picture of James Read James is a "full stack" Open Source enthusiast, who enjoys creating no-nonsense open source software.

Dad, hobbyist developer, open-source enthusiast and Red Hatter.